Aaron meets Aaron ORNEWSNIGHT meets "The Boondocks":
BROWN: All right. Two sentences: who won the debate? You're going to say this.
MCGRUDER: Kerry. He got his ass whooped.
BROWN: Who did?
MCGRUDER: Kerry. I'm sorry. No, I'm sorry. George Bush.
BROWN: You set that whole line up, and then you blew it.
MCGRUDER: I did. No, it was -- it was a very clear victory.
You know, what bothers me about shows like this, and all the news shows, after Bush talks I hear all these smart people completely ignoring the elephant in the room. And the elephant in the room, which nobody wants to say, is that Bush is not a smart man. He can't articulate well. He doesn't speak in complete sentences.
BROWN: Well...
Well, well, well...